Bob FoleyCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERThe long-haired man behind the curtain Bob MacDonaldFOUNDER Car-loving boss with a knack for building talented teams Irene Majer, CMPVP, CREATIVE SERVICESConfident juggler of ideas, resources, and solutions Kristy SomerlotVP, CLIENT SERVICESConnoisseur of museums, bourbon, and roller coasters Anne ZambranoDIRECTOR OF CLIENT SOLUTIONSThinks Bono would make a great lunch date Caroline KingDIRECTOR OF OPERATIONSMaker of anonymous mischief and robust spreadsheets Fran BraunBOOKKEEPERWithout a doubt the nicest person in the office FredOFFICE DOGAin’t too proud to beg Erika RobertsonEXECUTIVE PRODUCER / DIRECTORArchitect of laughter and fun Lydia ForthSENIOR EVENT PRODUCERReady to go one-on-one to see who can quote the most Taylor Swift lyrics Sue FinleyWRITER / PRODUCERCharming Lakewood-lifer with impeccable taste in greeting cards Sydney Van LeeuwenASSOCIATE PRODUCERHistory fun facts can crack her up Joe EberlingDIRECTOR OF VIDEO PRODUCTIONOur go-to source for entertaining stories John RileyDIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHYDon’t tell him if you’ve never read nor seen “Lord of the Rings" Andrew NumbersDIRECTOR / CINEMATOGRAPHERProud wearer of many hats Daniel SnyderVIDEO SHOOTER & EDITORJack of all trades… well, some Steve LidrbauchEDITOR / MOTION GRAPHICS ARTISTNever met a conspiracy theory that didn’t make him laugh Lyndsay SweetDESIGNERDesigner and creator, but mac and cheese enthusiast above all else Karen DeanDESIGNERPictures herself living in a mountain cabin someday Brendan FiremDESIGNERTrailblazer committed to finding the perfect ratio of sliced bananas to breakfast cereal Mike WolffPROGRAMMERA confident man who enjoys Weird Al and the movie Fargo